RELEASE DATE - 17th April 2023

Hi, this is Andrew Miller from Business Enjoyment and this is another episode of The Tingle Zone

To listen to the episode either search for The Tingle Zone via your usual podcast provider or click on this sentence.

In this episode, I'm talking with Alexis Haselberger who is a time management and productivity coach.

Alexis has always been focused on getting as much done with as little effort as possible. Lazy, one might say (and she does), but in a way that is actually a superpower. Without actually realising she had any special talent, it required her boss to come up to her and say “Can you run a workshop and show everyone else how you do what you do?” and from there, a new career was born.

In our conversation, we cover topics such as:

- how to start a new business when you've no idea what you're doing;

- why focus is not your starting point when it comes to being effective; and

- the importance of expending energy only on the things you can control.

At the end of the day, it's all about doing more with less stress.

If you want to know more about Alexis – including a free Distraction Action Plan – then check out the following links:

Free Distraction Action Plan

Alexis’s Website

Linkedin Profile

YouTube Channel



Facebook Group

Online courses

So do check those out but for now, sit back, relax, try and work out how you can be more lazy and, most of all, enjoy.