During the meetings last month, the theme under discussion was “Feeling Safe”.
Ironically, the relaxation in the lockdown regulations has actually seen an increase in stress and anxiety. So long have we lived in an atmosphere of fear - or ‘atmosfear’ - that many have seen this increase as they’ve stepped back into the open world.
In our discussions, we explored how we were feeling about our businesses and ourselves and our fears and concerns for the future.
Here are some of the questions, observations and reflections that were noted.
I’ve been so used to being inside, I don't actually want to go out now. I feel vulnerable and suddenly concerned about what people think about me.
Lockdown has revealed latent anxieties that were actually already there.
Most people are shattered right now.
How many good habits did we develop in lockdown that we have now suddenly dropped?
Too much reflecting can lead to going through the same hoops and not generating new thoughts. Meditation steps away from thinking and, paradoxically, generates new thoughts.
The amount of stress I feel is proportional to the amount of news I watch.
You control what goes into you – and that includes inputs from computers and television.
If it were someone else that had this issue, what advice would you give?
Worrying about things you can't control doesn't serve you. What, therefore, is the point in wasting energy on it?
Work on the basis that everyone else is an idiot and go suitably prepared.
Regular, controlled fasting has been shown to make the brain to be more efficient and create better focus. It's even been shown to reverse dementia.
It's my decision as to how I want to feel at any given moment. Do I want to be stressed for the next 5mins/half hour/hour?
I'm going to do it !!
I may not know HOW I'm going to do it, but that I can work out.
Aim to move forwards without constantly pushing.
Whatever action you take, ensure it's not taken out of fear.